How to Cook Chitterlings in a Crock Pot? – The Easy Process for 2024

Sure thing, you can absolutely cook chitterlings in a crock pot. But here’s the deal – timing is everything. You see, the taste can go for a toss if you under or overcook those chitterlings. That’s why you’ve got to be on the ball during both the cooking and cleaning stages. Trust me, without a thorough cleaning, getting rid of that distinct odor is practically impossible, based on my own experience.

To pull off a successful chitterlings crock pot adventure, there are specific steps you’ve got to follow. Cleaning and amping up the flavor are the real MVPs here. So now that you’re in the loop about crock pot chitterlings, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty. No worries – this article spills all the beans you need. Just stick around, and you’ll be a pro at every step of the process.

Things You Should Know About Chitterlings

Things You Should Know About Chitterlings

If you’ve ever attended a South American holiday dinner, chances are you’ve encountered chitterlings, a common dish in the region. It pairs exceptionally well with fried chicken, collard greens, cornbread, and other main courses.

This complimentary dish adds a burst of flavor to any celebration. Whether enjoyed on its own with sauce or as part of a simple bowl of soup, it has the power to win hearts. For those who appreciate the textures of conch or calamari, chitterlings offer a similar texture with a distinct flavor.

However, it’s worth noting that chitterlings aren’t everyone’s favorite. Some liken the experience to chewing rubber 😂. Additionally, if not handled with care, they can easily spread bacterial infections. The strong odor during preparation can also be off-putting to some.

How to Clean Chitterlings? A Comprehensive Guide for you

Chitterlings, also known as hog intestines, hold a revered place in many global cuisines. However, owing to their unique nature, a thorough cleaning is essential before indulging in these delicacies to eliminate potential health risks. This guide takes a deep dive into the necessary steps for effectively cleaning chitterlings.

Choosing the Right Chitterlings:

Opt for fresh, raw chitterlings from a reputable butcher or specialty store. Steer clear of pre-cleaned options, as they might still carry contaminants.

Initial Soaking:

Place the chitterlings in a sizable bowl filled with cool water, adding around 1 tablespoon of salt. Let them soak for a minimum of 30 minutes to loosen impurities and make the cleaning process more manageable.


Transfer the soaked chitterlings to a large pot filled with fresh water. Bring it to a rolling boil over high heat and maintain the boil for 5 minutes. This step aids in eliminating potential bacteria.

Draining and Cooling:

After boiling, carefully drain the chitterlings using a large colander or strainer. Allow them to cool completely before further handling.

Scrutinous Inspection:

Once cooled, meticulously inspect each chitterling, focusing on both interior and exterior surfaces. Remove any remaining impurities, such as skin, straw, hair, fecal matter, undigested food particles, and other undesirable substances.

Thorough Rinsing:

Rinse the chitterlings under running water for an extended period until all traces of impurities are eradicated. The water should run clear, indicating a thorough cleanse.

Cutting to Size:

Using a sharp knife or kitchen shears, cut the chitterlings to your preferred size—commonly, into half-inch to one-inch sections.

Additional Tips:

  • Wear gloves throughout the cleaning process to shield your hands from contaminants.
  • Use kitchen tongs when handling chitterlings to avoid direct contact.
  • After completing the cleaning process, clean and sanitize your work area thoroughly.

This is the main process of cleaning. Now let’s get into the next part.

A Guide to Cooking Chitterlings

How to Cook Chitterlings in a Crock Pot

Chitterlings, esteemed in various culinary traditions, demand meticulous preparation and cooking techniques to ensure their tenderness and flavor. Despite the initial intimidation, mastering the art of chitterling preparation becomes more accessible with the assistance of a crockpot, promising culinary excellence with minimal effort.


  • 10 pounds of thoroughly cleaned chitterlings
  • 4 cups of water
  • 4 teaspoons of seasoning salt
  • 2 chicken bouillon cubes
  • 2 ½ teaspoons of garlic salt
  • 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper
  • Chopped onions (to taste)
  • Green peppers (to taste)
  • Sliced garlic (to taste)


Cleaning and Preparation:

Ensure the chitterlings have been meticulously cleaned, removing any impurities or unpleasant odors.

Water Bath:

Gently place the cleaned chitterlings into the crockpot. Pour water into the crockpot, ensuring it covers the chitterlings by an inch.

Flavor Infusion:

Layer the chopped onions, green peppers, and sliced garlic over the chitterlings. Sprinkle the seasoning salt, chicken bouillon cubes, and garlic salt evenly over the ingredients.


Give the mixture a thorough stir to ensure even distribution of the seasonings and aromatics.

Low and Slow Cooking:

Attach the lid to the crockpot and set it to low heat. Allow the chitterlings to simmer gently for approximately 5 hours.

Tenderness Test:

After 5 hours, gently remove a chitterling and check its tenderness. If it’s still tough, continue cooking in additional 30-minute intervals until the desired tenderness is achieved.


Once the chitterlings are tender, carefully remove them from the crockpot. Serve them hot with your favorite accompaniments, such as hot sauce, vinegar, or cornbread.

Additional Tips:

  1. For added flavor, sauté the onions, green peppers, and garlic in a pan before adding them to the crockpot.
  2. If you prefer a spicier dish, add a pinch of cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes during the cooking process.
  3. For a richer flavor, replace the water with beef broth.
  4. Allow the chitterlings to rest for 10-15 minutes before serving to allow the flavors to meld fully.

How to Cook Chitterlings without the Smell?

How to Cook Chitterlings without the Smell?

Chitterlings, a delicacy in various cultures, are often shunned due to their potent and off-putting smell. This fragrance is a result of the waste matter trapped within the intestines. However, employing proper cleaning and preparation techniques can significantly diminish or even eliminate the odor. Here are some effective methods:

Traditional Remedy: Potatoes and Onions

A time-honored solution for neutralizing the odor of chitterlings involves boiling them with potatoes and onions for about 10 minutes. These vegetables possess unique properties that absorb and mask the unpleasant smell.

Apple Cider Vinegar Power

Many chefs and seasoned cooks swear by the odor-fighting prowess of apple cider vinegar. Simply add a generous amount of apple cider vinegar to the boiling water during the initial cleaning process.

Garlic and Cilantro for Flavor and Odor Control

Fresh garlic and cilantro not only enhance the flavor of chitterlings but also effectively diminish their unpleasant odor. Chop and add these aromatic ingredients to the chitterlings while cooking in a slow cooker.

Citrusy Duo: Oranges and Lemons

Sliced oranges and lemons serve a dual purpose in combating the odor of chitterlings. Their citrusy aroma helps mask the unpleasant smell, while their acidic properties act as a natural disinfectant, eliminating bacteria that contribute to the odor.

Remember, thorough cleaning is crucial for minimizing the odor of chitterlings. Rinse the intestines multiple times under running water, removing any visible waste matter. Repeat this process until the water runs clear. By employing these odor-eliminating techniques, you can confidently prepare and savor delicious chitterlings without the lingering smell.

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How Long to Cook Chitterlings in Crock Pot?

Cooking chitterlings in a crockpot is a favored method for this dish, providing the benefits of slow and even cooking that yield tender and flavorful results. The cooking time for chitterlings in a crockpot can vary based on factors such as the pot’s size, the quantity of chitterlings, and the preferred level of tenderness. As a general rule of thumb, anticipate a cooking duration of 6-8 hours on low heat when preparing chitterlings in a crockpot.

Read also: Can You Boil Water in a Crockpot?

How Long Can You Keep Cooked Chitterlings in the Refrigerator?

You can refrigerate (40 degrees or below this temperature) the cooked chitterlings for about 3 to 4 days in general. If you keep it inside the freezer (0 degree or below) after cooking, it will stay up to 3 to 4 months. Ensure cold air circulation inside and do not overpack. But what about uncooked chitterlings? Do you know how long can you keep uncooked chitterlings in the freezer?

Well, you can keep uncooked chitterlings in the freezer for 3-4 months. However, keep this in mind in case of refrigerating if the chitterlings are thawed you can refrigerate it only for 2 days.

Some Additional Tips

If you cook chitterlings very often then I’ve got some tips for you. Have a look –

  • Purchase double the amount you want to serve as they shrink after cooking.
  • Keep those away from any baby products as they are more likely to increase the risk of illness from bacterial disease.
  • After cooking, instantly wash your hands thoroughly to be extra cautious.
  • It is better to rinse several times and for a longer period.
  • Do not put frozen chitterlings right away in the crock pot.
  • Never keep uncooked chitterlings sitting for more than 2 hours.

Do you clean chitterlings in cold or hot water?

It is recommended to clean chitterlings in hot water, with a temperature between 120-130°F (49-54°C). Soak the chitterlings in the hot water for at least 30 minutes to several hours to remove dirt, impurities, and unwanted odor. Thoroughly rinse the chitterlings with cold water after soaking to remove any remaining dirt and impurities before cooking.

Final Verdict

I’ve already learned everything on the topic: can you cook chitterlings in a crock pot? The direct answer is positive.

Moreover, I’ve also discussed the way of cleaning and cooking as well. However, one last tip. As you’re using a crock pot, naturally it’ll take longer. That’s why I named it a holiday recipe. Have your patience and for sure you will enjoy a good meal.

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Helen Knight
Helen Knight

I'm passionate about cooking and making simple, delicious recipes that you can always feel confident feeding to friends and family. My goals for you are to have fun in the kitchen, learn new things, and create beautiful dishes. I have a lot of experience using kitchen appliances, so making great food is my passion and my favorite thing to share with others. I prioritize food safety in all of my meals. Check out my blog SKI, for helpful tips and tricks to improve your own cooking skills. Let's explore the world of food together!

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